A system in the United States exists that paid registered in cadastre its for the moment that they sail in the Internet. One is about the Spedia, a system that is revolutionizing the Internet.

   The advantage of the Spedia in relation to other systems of this type, is that this paid in any place of the world and really paid registered in cadastre its.

Make Cash on the Net Site that really paid you for the moment

To each minute that if sails, voce gains 1 Adpoint (as each point is called). If you to sail during one hour, you Adpoints and for ahead will have 60 thus.
Therefore, if you to sail two hours per day, it will earn in the end of the month 3.600 Adpoints what it means that you will go to receive 30 dollars. Or either, you gain 1 dollar to each 2 hours of navigation. But the Spedia not pára for there. You gain Adpoints indicating other people, if to place to banner in its page and/or to be part of programs sponsored for the Spedia. He sees the example below:
       * To each 1.000 Adpoints obtained by people indicated for you, you will go to receive 250 Adpoints.
* If to place to banner in its page, to each 1.000 exhibitions of banner, you will gahará 1.000 Adpoints, or either,  each exhibition of banner valley 1 Adpoint.
       * E you still can gain up to 1,500 Adpoints being part of programs of
the Spedia

   Any person can register in cadastre itself in the Spedia. For this, she is enough to clicar here

   Below some doubts of answered members of the Spedia already.

It is Gratis?
Total gratis. You it will earn to attend the propaganda while it sails and in case that it has a homepage can also earn placing to banner.

How it functions?
You it will be able to gain money using to viewbar (bar of propaganda that appears under of the navigator, a little bigger that the bar of the Windows) while it sails in the Internet and in case that it possesss a homepage, will be able to insert a code that will open to banner of propaganda of the company to each visitor who to enter in its site.

He seems to be good excessively pra for being truth, really functions?
It functions yes. The process is the following one, the Spedia sells advertising in the Internet, varies companies announces in the ways of spreading of the Spedia, as Visa, Disney, Microsoft, IBM, and many others... The Spedia removes 10% of its profit to divide between its socios, and the remaining portion is divided enters the members of the Spedia community, or either we.

How much profit?
The profits are made in form of points, ADpoints calls, see as you accumulate the Adpoints:
-1 minute with on viewbar vc makes a point, this represents 60 points for the moment, if you to sail 40h / month will gain 20 dollars for month, does not have limit of hours that you can use.
- to place itself to banner in its page, to each visualization of banner you addition 1 adpoint, to each a thousand visitors in its page will be 1000adpoints and you it will add more 8 dollars.
- You also earn to indicate new members, to each 1000 adpoints that its indicated to obtain you gain 250 adpoints. Or either to each 8 dollars that its indicated to obtain you gain 2 dollars.
- You also earn being part of programs sponsored for the Spedia, as for example, visiting sites of the news, creating an email, etc... Podera to earn only ties 1500 Adpoints being part of programs of the Spedia.

When I can start?
Right now you it will be able to effect its I register in cadastre, to make download of viewbar, placing banner in its site(caso will have), etc..e to start to indicate friends.

Any one can be registered in cadastre? How I receive the money?
Any one, in any place of the world. You it will receive the payment through the post office in the address that it requested at the moment of I register in cadastre it. The check is in dollar and you it will be able to change it in the Bank or currency exchange.


In case that it desires to register in cadastre CLICK now HERE and one another window confides and you it can be registered in cadastre looking at in this tutorial one of I register in cadastre, to help you.

After to enter in the page of I register in cadastre, the following screen will confide: In this initial screen two options exist you to place " Yes " or " In "
1- Coloque " Yes " in the first option if you possue a homepage and want to also earn displaying banners.
2- Coloque " Yes " in case that it desires to participate of the program to gain money, is clearly that you it will go to place " Yes "
After this click in botao " Next " Done this the next screen will be this below: The indicated one fills the fields below in agreement.

Login/Domain Name: I will choose one login, case you has a homepage its address will be seu_login.spedia.net "
Password: I will choose a password to have access its account, to change its info, to see its profits, etc...
Comfirm Password: Redigite its password to confirm
Member Name: It types its name full
Email: it types its email (it is certain to type the correct address with very small letters)
Address: Street Its Former address: (Street Epitácio Pessoa n1999 - Garden Jacinth)
Address: City Its Former city: (Jacareí)
Address: State Its state, if you not deferred payment in U.S.A., I will choose the option " NON-US/Other "
Address: Zip the postal code of seua city " CEP " - Ex:(12300-000)
Address: Country Its Former country: (Brazil)
Phone: Fax Types its telephone or fax for contact, case naum has places 0000
WEB Site/URL Information - In case that it has placed that it possesss a homepage this option will be visivel
WebSite Address/URL Coloque the address of its homepage *** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE ***
Web Site Category Escolha a categoria que seu site se encaixa
Additional Information *required - Preencha as informações adicionais
Why are you using the Internet: marque as opções que você usa na internet
What products do you buy online: marque as opções dos produtos que você já comprou ou compraria na internet
What is your age: Escolha a opção de sua idade
What is your gender: Qual seu sexo (Male-masculino   Female-Feminino)
What is your education: Escolha a opção de seu grau de escolaridade
What is your annual household income: Qual sua renda anual
Reference number of your sponsor: aqui você digita o número de referencia que é 129776 Ex: (129776)
 Web Site Description Caso você tenha selecionado que tem uma homepage, esta opção estará vísivel para que você coloque uma breve descrição dele. Máximo de 255 caracteres.
Pronto, agora basta clicar no botão "Subscribe registration" e confirmar o cadastro

Feito o cadastro você já poderá fazer o download da Viewbar, clicando em DOWNLOADS, a instalação é automática, bastando entrar na página e clicar em Download.

****** Utilizando a VIEWBAR ****** Ou seja a barra que vai ficar embaixo do seu navegador

Após instalar a viewbar, ela se auto abrirá ao você abrir seu navegador, digite seu login e senha na viewbar e ela começará a funcionar. Caso ela não se abra, vá em Exibir > Barra do Explorer > Spedia Bar no seu navegador.

Preste atenção, a viewbar é autosensível, e caso você abra um programa ou uma janela que a esconda, a luz ficará vermelha e seus Adpoints não serão computados. Para isto clique com o botão direito do mouse sobre a palavra spedia e escolha refresh_

Adpoints não sendo computados:
Viewbar desligada, para isto clique com o botão direito do mouse sobre a palavra spedia e escolha refresh_

****** Colocando Banners em sua Homepage ******
Existem 2 maneiras de você ganhar colocando banners em seu site, são elas:

1 - Após efetuar o cadastro você ganhou um redirecionador para sua homepage, se seu endereço era longo como "members.xoom.com/seu_nome" agora ele pode também ser acessado por "seu_login.spedia.net" a. Cada vez que alguem entrar neste endereço redirecionado irá entrar em sua homepage e abrirá uma pequena janela com um banner, chamada pop-window, a cada janela que se abrir você soma 1Adpoint. Ou seja a cada mil visitas por este endereço você ganhará 9 dólares.

2 - Em seu site existem vários links para sites externos não? seja para uma outra página, para um serviço, etc... Agora você poderá colocar na frente do link um código, no qual além de abrir